Just giving you all an update on the show hall information....
This weekend I checked out our grange hall and it will not be big enough for a
Trad size show...now mini show it will work out for the future.
I checked in to the brand new Octoberfest building in Mt Angel and though its
VERY expensive for the space I dont need the whole thing so Im hoping they may
be able to make me a decent deal.
The Oregon Gardens wants alot and seeing as I dont know how many people will
come or how many people would stay at the gardens she cant give me a definite
price cut and Im a bit afraid going into it with them not knowing a set amount.
I had that problem with All Hallow's Live where the hotel in Salem drained my
bank account with charges they did not tell me I would have to be paying.
So if all else fails here in the next couple of weeks I am going to go with the
Phoenix Inn in Albany.
I will keep you all posted.